“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14.
Imagine a fire. It burns brightly, pushing back the darkness and keeping us warm. That's what faith should be like! True faith isn't just believing in Jesus, it's letting that belief change you. It's the fire that fuels good works.
The passage from Titus 2:14 paints a beautiful picture of what faith can accomplish. Jesus, through His sacrifice, didn't just redeem us from sin, He set us on a path of transformation. He desires a "peculiar people," a special group set apart for good works. Just like gazing at a crackling fire doesn't warm you, simply believing in Jesus isn't enough. True faith ignites a fire within us, a fire that compels us to action.
Following Christ is a constant battle against "corrupt and sinful habits." We can't be selfish, harsh, or prideful. These negative traits are like smoke that clouds the fire of our faith. But here's the good news: with “faith in Jesus” and then “faith of Jesus,” we can overcome them!
Salvation is not by our activity, but genuine faith naturally leads to action. A true Christian, is "zealous of good works." They are like fruitful trees, offering help to those in need, from feeding the hungry to caring for the sick. Ellen White says,
“The labor of love springs from the work of faith. Bible religion means constant work.... We are to be zealous of good works; be careful to maintain good works. And the true Witness says, “I know thy works.” While it is true that our busy activities will not in themselves ensure salvation, it is also true that faith which unites us to Christ will stir the soul to activity.” SDA Bible Commentary 6:1111.
“The true Christian abounds in good works; he brings forth much fruit. He feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, visits the sick, and ministers to the afflicted. Christians take a heartfelt interest in the children that are about them, who, through the subtle temptations of the enemy, are ready to perish. Fathers and mothers, if you have guarded your own children from the wiles of the foe, look about you to save the souls of the children who have not such care.... There are youth all around us to whom the members of the church owe a duty; for Christ has died for them.... They are precious in the sight of God, and He desires their eternal happiness.... Christ calls for voluntary cooperation on the part of His agents in doing earnest, consistent work for the salvation of souls.” The Review and Herald, January 29, 1895.
Here, I am not talking about big one-time activity. This is not about grand gestures, but about the everyday acts of love and compassion that make a difference. The Bible tells us Jesus gave Himself for us, not so we could be lazy, but to make us a special people who are eager to do good things (Titus 2:14). When we accept Jesus, it's the start of a journey, not the end. We have bad habits to break and battles to fight, but with faith in Jesus, we can win….True faith is a fire that burns brightly with good works. Let your faith shine and make a difference in the world!
Reflection Questions:
1. Do my actions reflect my faith?
2. Is there anything in my life that needs purifying?
3. Who in my life needs a helping hand?
4. Think about a time when your faith motivated you to do something good for someone else. How did it make you feel?
5. Who in your community might need a helping hand?
6. How can you use your time and talents to make a difference?
Faith is a powerful force for good. Let it burn brightly within you, guiding you towards acts of kindness and service. The world needs the light of your faith, so let it shine!
Sulad Jhun Cardeinte writes from Adventist International Institute of Advance Studies (AIIAS) Silang, Cavite, Philippines. His email address is acardeinte@aiias.edu
Follow his FB page: Adventist ToolBoX
To read the previous blog articles, go to SULADS Thailand website and click blog section. Direct link below; https://www.suladsthailand.com/blog-1/
Write a comment
Cameron Koi (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 18:47)
Amanda (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 18:50)
Please Lord, help me to let my actions show I have faith and let my light shine
Renny Saycon (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 20:09)
Thanks for the message.sana puede e saved ang message.God bless people of god.
Delphine n (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 20:15)
Amen. powerful message.
Tendai Gwewo (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 20:46)
May the Lord Almighty help us to put our faith in action and my it be an everyday thing which is part and parcel of our lives.
Ezekiel M Borbor (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 22:03)
This is powerful and fascinating thought for us to know that our faith matters MUST in the history of our time, many thanks dear �
Damalie (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 23:29)
Sindisiwe Nxumalo (Wednesday, 24 April 2024 23:51)
So help me God
Alice (Thursday, 25 April 2024 03:15)
Thank you for the wonderful news
Samuel Miller (Thursday, 25 April 2024 05:01)
What a powerful reminder of a faith that works. Praise God!
Fiona Harry (Thursday, 25 April 2024 06:15)
Thank you for the message . Faith and works goes together we have to applied both of them in our life
Benny Rally (Thursday, 25 April 2024 12:22)
Thanks for the message of faith to help as strength our faith amen
Dominic (Thursday, 25 April 2024 13:22)
Saved by grace and grace makes us to produce fruits
Mariam (Thursday, 25 April 2024 14:08)
Thank you for the good news may God work in us so that we can fight a good fight
Mkhululi moyo (Friday, 26 April 2024 23:10)
I need that faith which was in Peter and john the followers of Jesus Christ