Share Sulad Jhun's Christmas songs
NOTE: Ellen White valued Christmas as a great opportunity to minister, for family togetherness and joy. She acknowledged that this season can be a time for Christians to share happiness with loved ones and to foster an atmosphere of kindness, love, and goodwill.

Read for This Week’s Study
John 1:19-23; Isaiah 40:1-5; John 1:29-37; Romans 5:6; John 1:35-39; John 1:43-51; John 3:1-21.
Memory Text:
“Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God’ ” (John 3:3).
Sabbath Afternoon
Five Important Points
- Jesus' Messianic Identity: The Gospel of John emphasizes Jesus as the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies through His words and miraculous deeds, such as turning water into wine, raising Lazarus, and healing the blind.
- Diverse Witnesses: John calls upon various witnesses—Jewish, Gentile, rich, poor, educated, and uneducated—to testify about Jesus’ identity as the Messiah.
- John the Baptist's Role: John the Baptist is introduced as the first witness to Jesus, but he is not the Messiah; rather, he testifies about the coming Messiah.
- Nicodemus as an Unexpected Witness: Nicodemus, a Pharisee, becomes a surprising witness to Jesus after an intimate conversation with Him in John 3.
- The Evangelist's Focus: The Apostle John emphasizes that Jesus' identity is backed by scriptural evidence, prophetic fulfillment, and personal testimonies from witnesses.
Discussion Questions
Why is it significant that diverse people bore witness to Jesus?
- It demonstrates the universal reach of Jesus' mission, showing that He came for all humanity, regardless of social status or background.
How does the Gospel of John reinforce Jesus' claims as the Messiah?
- Through miracles, direct teachings, scriptural references, and the testimony of credible witnesses like John the Baptist, the Gospel builds a strong case for Jesus' identity.
How can we, like John the Baptist, bear witness to Christ today?
- We can prepare others to meet Jesus by sharing our faith, exemplifying His love, and pointing people to the truth of the Scriptures.
Sunday - The Testimony of John the Baptist
Five Important Points
- John’s Role as a Forerunner: John the Baptist denies being the Messiah, clarifying that his role is to prepare the way for the true Messiah.
- Messianic Expectations: The Jewish people were anticipating the arrival of the Messiah, and John had to clarify that he was not the Christ.
- Witness to the Light: John the Baptist acknowledges that he is not the Light but is sent to bear witness to the Light, referring to Jesus.
- Prophetic Fulfillment: John the Baptist’s ministry fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 40:1-5, as he prepares the hearts of the people for the coming of Christ.
- Baptism with Water and Spirit: John baptized with water as a symbol of repentance, while Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, offering spiritual transformation.
Discussion Questions
What did John the Baptist mean when he said he was not the Light?
- John was acknowledging his role as a messenger, not the Savior. His mission was to direct people’s attention to Jesus, who is the true Light.
How does John’s ministry fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy?
- Just as Isaiah predicted, John came to prepare the way for the Lord by calling people to repentance and paving the way for Jesus' ministry.
What can we learn from John’s humility in relation to Christ?
- John’s humility teaches us to recognize our role as servants of God, always pointing others to Christ rather than seeking personal glory.
Monday - The Lamb of God
Five Important Points
- Proclamation of Jesus as the Lamb: John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the "Lamb of God," linking Him to the sacrificial system of the Old Testament.
- Sacrificial Symbolism: The title "Lamb of God" refers to Jesus' role as the ultimate sacrifice, who would take away the sins of the world.
- Misunderstanding of the Messiah: Many Jews were expecting a political Messiah who would deliver them from Roman rule, but Jesus’ mission was spiritual.
- Old Testament Fulfillment: Jesus fulfills the prophecies, such as Isaiah 53:7, that depict the Messiah as a suffering servant who would die for humanity’s sins.
- Jesus' Self-Sacrifice: Verses like Mark 10:45 and Romans 5:6 emphasize Jesus’ role in serving humanity by giving His life as a ransom for many.
Discussion Questions
Why is it important that John the Baptist called Jesus the "Lamb of God"?
- This title connects Jesus to the sacrificial system, emphasizing that He would be the ultimate sacrifice for sin, fulfilling the role of the Passover lamb.
How did the Jewish expectation of a political Messiah differ from Jesus' mission?
- The Jews were expecting a military leader, but Jesus came to deliver people spiritually by reconciling them to God through His sacrifice.
How does understanding Jesus as the Lamb of God affect our view of salvation?
- It deepens our appreciation for the cost of salvation, reminding us that Jesus’ sacrifice was the fulfillment of God’s plan to redeem humanity.
Tuesday - The Two Disciples of John
Five Important Points
- John Points to Jesus: John the Baptist directs two of his disciples toward Jesus, identifying Him as the "Lamb of God" once again.
- Immediate Response: Upon hearing John's testimony, the two disciples leave him to follow Jesus, showing their readiness to embrace the Messiah.
- Personal Encounter with Jesus: The two disciples spend time with Jesus, which transforms their understanding and commitment to Him.
- Andrew’s Witness: Andrew, one of the disciples, immediately shares his experience with his brother Simon, proclaiming that they had found the Messiah.
- Jesus Knows His Followers: Jesus demonstrates His divine knowledge by recognizing Simon and giving him the new name "Cephas" (Peter), signifying a transformation in his life.
Discussion Questions
Why did John’s disciples leave him to follow Jesus?
- They recognized that John was a witness to the Messiah, and once Jesus appeared, they knew it was time to follow the One John had been preaching about.
How did spending time with Jesus impact the two disciples?
- Their personal encounter with Jesus opened their eyes to His true identity as the Messiah, compelling them to share the good news with others.
What does it mean that Jesus gave Simon the name "Cephas"?
- By giving Simon a new name, Jesus signified a transformation in Simon’s identity, hinting at the pivotal role Peter would play in the early church.
Wednesday - Philip and Nathanael
Five Important Points
- Philip’s Faith in Jesus: Philip’s message to Nathanael, declaring Jesus as the one written about by Moses and the prophets, shows Philip's early recognition of Jesus as the Messiah.
- Nathanael’s Skepticism: Nathanael initially doubts Jesus because of His association with Nazareth, reflecting the prejudices of that time.
- Philip’s Invitation: Instead of debating Nathanael, Philip simply invites him to “Come and see,” allowing Nathanael to experience Jesus personally.
- Jesus’ Insight: Jesus impresses Nathanael by revealing that He saw him under the fig tree, demonstrating divine knowledge and confirming Nathanael’s spiritual search.
- Nathanael’s Confession: Nathanael, astonished by Jesus’ insight, confesses that Jesus is the Son of God and the King of Israel, showing how personal experience leads to faith.
Discussion Questions
How did Philip respond to Nathanael’s prejudice about Nazareth?
- Philip didn’t argue or try to convince Nathanael through words; instead, he invited him to “Come and see,” allowing the truth of Jesus to speak for itself.
What was significant about Jesus seeing Nathanael under the fig tree?
- Jesus' ability to reveal Nathanael’s private moment of prayer and reflection showed His divine insight, which convinced Nathanael of Jesus' Messiahship.
How can we use Philip’s approach when sharing Jesus with others?
- Like Philip, we can invite others to experience Jesus personally rather than trying to argue or convince them through debates, trusting that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts.
Thursday - The Witness of Nicodemus
Five Important Points
- Nicodemus' Approach: Nicodemus, a respected teacher, approaches Jesus by night, recognizing His divine authority but not fully understanding His mission.
- Jesus’ Response: Jesus immediately addresses Nicodemus’ spiritual need, telling him that he must be "born again" to enter the kingdom of God.
- Misunderstanding of Spiritual Birth: Nicodemus struggles to grasp the concept of spiritual rebirth, as he was thinking in physical terms rather than spiritual transformation.
- Jesus’ Teaching on Salvation: Jesus explains that just as Moses lifted up the serpent, He too must be lifted up (crucified) to provide salvation for all who believe.
- Nicodemus’ Journey of Faith: Though initially confused, Nicodemus later defends Jesus before the Sanhedrin and helps with His burial, showing a gradual transformation in his faith.
Discussion Questions
Why did Nicodemus struggle to understand the concept of being “born again”?
- Nicodemus, as a learned teacher, was focused on physical realities and missed the deeper spiritual meaning of Jesus’ message about transformation through the Holy Spirit.
What does being “born again” mean, according to Jesus?
- It means experiencing a spiritual rebirth through faith in Christ, resulting in a transformed life led by the Holy Spirit, not just following outward religious practices.
How does Nicodemus’ story encourage us in our own faith journey?
- Nicodemus shows that even those with doubts and misunderstandings can grow in their faith, as long as they remain open to Jesus’ teachings and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Friday - Further Thought
Read Ellen G. White, “Nicodemus,” pp. 167–177, in The Desire of Ages.
Nicodemus “searched the Scriptures in a new way, not for the discussion of a theory, but in order to receive life for the soul. He began to see the kingdom of heaven as he submitted
himself to the leading of the Holy Spirit. . . .
“Through faith we receive the grace of God; but faith is not our Saviour. It earns nothing. It is the hand by which we lay hold upon Christ, and appropriate His merits, the remedy for
sin. . . . Repentance comes from Christ as truly as does pardon.
“How, then, are we to be saved? ‘As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,’ so the Son of man has been lifted up, and everyone who has been deceived and bitten by the serpent may
look and live. ‘Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.’ John 1:29. The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God. His love is drawing us to Himself. If we do
not resist this drawing, we shall be led to the foot of the cross in repentance for the sins that have crucified the Saviour. Then the Spirit of God through faith produces a new life in the soul.
The thoughts and desires are brought into obedience to the will of Christ. The heart, the mind, are created anew in the image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself. Then the law
of God is written in the mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, ‘I delight to do Thy will, O my God.’ Psalms 40:8.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 175, 176.
Five Important Points
- Spiritual Growth in Nicodemus: Ellen G. White describes Nicodemus’ journey from seeking theoretical understanding to seeking spiritual life, showing how he eventually accepted Christ.
- Faith as a Means, Not the Savior: Faith is the channel through which we receive grace, but it is not the source of salvation. Salvation is found only in Christ.
- The Role of Repentance: Repentance is a gift from Christ, and it is essential for receiving pardon and experiencing new life in Him.
- Jesus’ Sacrificial Role: Jesus is likened to the serpent lifted up by Moses, offering life to all who look to Him in faith, just as the Israelites were saved by looking at the bronze serpent.
- Obedience Through Faith: Once the Holy Spirit renews the heart, the law of God is written in the mind, and believers delight in doing God’s will.
Discussion Questions
How would you evaluate the success of John the Baptist’s ministry?
- John’s success lies not in numbers but in faithfully preparing the way for Jesus. His ministry was successful because he fulfilled God’s purpose, regardless of public opinion.
Why did John the Baptist experience doubts, and what can we learn from this?
- John’s doubts arose from his imprisonment and unmet expectations of the Messiah’s mission. This teaches us that even strong believers may face doubts, but we can hold firm by remembering God’s promises.
How could Nicodemus, a knowledgeable teacher, be spiritually ignorant?
- Despite his knowledge, Nicodemus lacked a personal experience with God and was focused on external religion. This shows that head knowledge alone is insufficient without heart transformation.
Write a comment
Balik Benjamin (Saturday, 19 October 2024 05:34)
Very inspiring and highly appreciate thank you so much and God will richly bless your ministry
Lafayette kerkula (Sunday, 20 October 2024 22:28)
Thanks God almighty for another week teacher edition. Keep courage and continue your good work, God will take care of you.
Varney A. Ketter, Jr (Tuesday, 22 October 2024 23:10)
As you continue to carry out the work of the Lord, may He always shower His endless blessings upon you.
You are a blessing to many today through your summary of each lesson. Please continue the good work of our King.
Rose Knight (Wednesday, 23 October 2024 07:35)
Thank you so much for these inspiring and comprehensive lesson summaries. I've been sharing them with friends and Sabbath school members and they've found them to be very helpful. God bless you and your wonderful ministry.
Dani (Thursday, 24 October 2024 02:33)
God bless you !!
Jade (Thursday, 24 October 2024 03:04)
Good day, SULADS. Can i get a copy of the pointers of lesson every week? Thank you
Chan Hoth Ruei (Thursday, 24 October 2024 03:24)
Thank you for your notify me with this credibility lesson God bless all of us in entire world.
gilbert gumonod (Thursday, 24 October 2024 04:10)
l would to thank's to share this messages about the gospel .
SHAKA GODIDE DUBE (Thursday, 24 October 2024 06:51)
Thank you so much for sharing with us this SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON
Really appreciated
May our LORD JESUS CHRIST blessed you and your family abundantly
Judilyn Rocamora (Thursday, 24 October 2024)
Thank so much...for this....very much helpful... GOD BLESS ���� happy holy Sabbath everyone ♥️�����
����� ����� (Friday, 25 October 2024 05:40)
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Mary Jane millan (Friday, 25 October 2024 20:56)
Thank you so much this lesson I m learn a lot