
Lesson 1- The Beginning of the Gospel

Key Scriptures

 Acts 13:1-5, Acts 13:13, Acts 15:36-39, Mark 1:1-15, Isaiah 40:3, Daniel 9:24-27.

 Memory Text

"Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel’" (Mark 1:14-15).

Sabbath Afternoon:

Important Points

  1. The Gospel of Mark's Authorship and Purpose

    • The Gospel of Mark is traditionally linked to John Mark, a companion of Paul and Peter (Acts 13:5; 1 Peter 5:13).

    • Written to share the good news of Jesus Christ's ministry, emphasizing His role as the Messiah and the Son of God.

  2. John Mark's Background

    • Introduced as the son of Mary, a wealthy supporter of the early church (Acts 12:12).

    • Participated in Paul and Barnabas's missionary journey as a helper (Acts 13:5).

  3. Theme for the Week

    • Understanding Mark's journey from failure to restoration and how it reflects in his writing of the Gospel.

Discussion Questions

  1. Who wrote the Gospel of Mark and why was it written?

    • Answer: Early church tradition attributes it to John Mark, written to document the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and His fulfillment of Messianic prophecies.

  2. What is the significance of the memory text in Mark 1:14-15?

    • Answer: It emphasizes the urgency of Jesus's message, calling for repentance and belief in the gospel, signifying the beginning of His public ministry.

  3. How do the key scriptures support the theme of the Gospel of Mark?

    • Answer: They highlight the prophetic fulfillment of Jesus's ministry and the foundational events leading to the spread of the gospel.

Sunday: The Failed Missionary

Important Points

  1. Introduction of John Mark

    • Introduced in Acts 12:12 as the son of Mary, hosting prayer meetings at her home.

  2. Early Missionary Efforts

    • Joined Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:5).

  3. Mark's Departure

    • Left the missionary journey prematurely and returned to Jerusalem (Acts 13:13).

  4. Ellen G. White's Commentary

    • Describes Mark's departure as being due to fear and discouragement (The Acts of the Apostles, p. 169).

  5. Lessons from Failure

    • Reflecting on personal experiences of failure can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth in one's Christian walk.

Discussion Questions

  1. How is John Mark introduced in the book of Acts?

    • Answer: As the son of Mary, a supporter of the church who hosted prayer meetings at her home (Acts 12:12).

  2. What was Mark's role in Paul and Barnabas's first missionary journey?

    • Answer: He served as their helper (Acts 13:5) but left them partway through the journey (Acts 13:13).

  3. What can we learn from Mark's failure and subsequent recovery?

    • Answer: Failures can be stepping stones to growth and maturity in faith, highlighting the importance of perseverance and God's ability to restore and use us despite our weaknesses.


Monday: A Second Chance

Important Points

  1. Paul's Rejection of Mark

    • Paul rejected Mark due to his earlier withdrawal from the missionary journey (Acts 15:38).

  2. Barnabas's Support

    • Barnabas saw potential in Mark and chose to give him a second chance, leading to a division between Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:39).

  3. Mark's Recovery

    • Mark later became valuable to Paul (Colossians 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11) and had a close relationship with Peter (1 Peter 5:13).

  4. Transformation through Trust

    • Mark's recovery was likely due to the trust and support Barnabas placed in him, leading to significant contributions to early Christian ministry.

  5. Importance of Second Chances

    • Offering second chances can lead to remarkable transformations and reveal God's redemptive power in our lives.


Discussion Questions


  1. Why did Paul reject John Mark, and why did Barnabas give him a second chance?

    • Answer: Paul rejected him due to his earlier desertion (Acts 15:38). Barnabas believed in Mark's potential and wanted to support his growth (Acts 15:39).

  2. What details about Mark's recovery do Colossians 4:10 and 2 Timothy 4:11 suggest?

    • Answer: These passages show that Mark became a valuable helper in ministry, indicating his successful recovery and growth.

  3. How can reflecting on second chances impact our approach to ministry?

    • Answer: It teaches us the importance of grace and encouragement in fostering growth and resilience in others.

Tuesday: The Messenger

Important Points

  1. Characters in Mark 1:1-8

    • Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, and God the Father are the primary figures.

  2. Old Testament Prophecies

    • Mark 1:2-3 blends Exodus 23:20, Isaiah 40:3, and Malachi 3:1, highlighting the preparation for the Messiah's arrival.

  3. John the Baptist's Role

    • John calls for repentance and prepares the way for Jesus, fulfilling the role of the messenger (Mark 1:4).

  4. Significance of the Wilderness

    • The wilderness symbolizes preparation and purification, aligning with the journey motif present in Mark's gospel.

  5. Jesus's Exalted View

    • John acknowledges Jesus's superiority and the greater baptism Jesus will bring (Mark 1:7-8).

Discussion Questions

  1. Who are the characters in Mark 1:1-8, and what do they do?

    • Answer: Jesus is introduced as the Messiah, John the Baptist prepares the way with a call to repentance, and God the Father confirms the mission through prophecy.

  2. What common themes are found in the Old Testament passages quoted in Mark 1:2-3?

    • Answer: They all speak of a journey and preparation for God's coming, highlighting the role of the messenger.

  3. How does John the Baptist's ministry relate to the theme of preparation?

    • Answer: John's call for repentance prepares the people for Jesus's arrival, emphasizing the need for spiritual readiness.

Wednesday: Jesus’ Baptism

Important Points

  1. Events at Jesus’s Baptism

    • John baptizes Jesus; the heavens open, the Holy Spirit descends like a dove, and God’s voice affirms Jesus as His beloved Son (Mark 1:9-11).

  2. Presence of the Trinity

    • The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all present, marking the significance of the event.

  3. Beginning of Jesus’s Ministry

    • Jesus's baptism marks the start of His public ministry and foreshadows His mission.

  4. Jesus's Humanity and Divinity

    • Jesus is presented with both divine authority and human vulnerability, showing His role as both God and man.

  5. Spiritual Significance

    • Jesus’s baptism signifies His identification with humanity and the beginning of His redemptive mission.

Discussion Questions

  1. Who is present at Jesus’s baptism, and what happens?

    • Answer: John the Baptist, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father are present. Jesus is baptized, the heavens open, and God's voice declares Jesus as His beloved Son (Mark 1:9-11).

  2. What contrasts are presented in Jesus's baptism in terms of His divinity and humanity?

    • Answer: Jesus is the Messiah and beloved Son of God, yet He undergoes baptism like any human, showing His dual nature.

  3. How does Jesus's baptism reflect His mission and identity?

    • Answer: It affirms His divine mission and His solidarity with humanity, marking the start of His redemptive work.

Thursday: The Gospel According to Jesus

Important Points

  1. Jesus’s Gospel Message

    • "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15).

  2. Three Components of Jesus's Message

    • Time prophecy: The time is fulfilled.

    • Covenant promise: The kingdom of God is near.

    • Call to discipleship: Repent and believe in the gospel.

  3. Fulfillment of Prophecy

    • Jesus's ministry fulfills the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27.

  4. Importance of Repentance and Faith

    • Central to Jesus's message is the call for repentance and faith in the good news.

  5. Link to the First Angel’s Message

    • Similar themes are found in Revelation 14:6-7, emphasizing the everlasting gospel and the call to worship God.

Discussion Questions

  1. What are the three parts of the gospel message Jesus proclaimed in Mark 1:14-15?

    • Answer: Time prophecy ("The time is fulfilled"), covenant promise ("The kingdom of God is near"), and call to discipleship ("Repent and believe in the gospel").

  2. How does the 70-week prophecy of Daniel relate to Jesus’s ministry?

    • Answer: It predicted the timing of Jesus's baptism and ministry, affirming the trustworthiness of prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27).

  3. What parallels exist between Jesus’s gospel message and the first angel’s message in Revelation 14:6-7?

    • Answer: Both messages emphasize the fulfillment of prophecy, the imminence of God's kingdom, and a call to repentance and faith.


Friday: Further Thought

Important Points

  1. Ellen G. White’s Writings

    • Suggested readings from "The Desire of Ages" and "The Acts of the Apostles" provide deeper insights into the week's study.

  2. Revelation 14:6-7 Parallel

    • The first angel's message parallels Jesus's gospel, highlighting the continuity of God’s message from Jesus’s time to the end times.

  3. Three Elements of the Gospel Message

    • Both Mark 1:15 and Revelation 14:6-7 include time prophecy, covenant promise, and a call to discipleship.

  4. The Judgment Hour

    • Revelation 14:7 speaks of the judgment hour, linked to the 2,300-day prophecy of Daniel 8:14.

  5. Mission for Today

    • Understanding these messages helps clarify our mission to proclaim the everlasting gospel and prepare for Jesus’s second coming.


Discussion Questions

  1. Compare and contrast John the Baptist and Jesus in Mark 1:1-13. What special lessons do you learn from the way they are presented?

    • Answer: John the Baptist prepares the way with a call to repentance, while Jesus fulfills that message as the Messiah. John's humility and Jesus's authority show complementary roles in God's plan.

  2. Consider the meaning of baptism. Read Romans 6:1-4; John 3:1-8, and compare them with the baptism of Jesus in Mark 1:9-13. What parallels and contrasts do you see?

    • Answer: Baptism symbolizes death to sin and new life in Christ. Jesus's baptism marks the beginning of His ministry and His identification with humanity, paralleling the transformative power of baptism for believers.

  3. Compare and contrast the gospel according to Jesus in Mark 1:14-15 and the first angel’s message in Revelation 14:6-7. How does understanding these messages help you see better your mission for today?

    • Answer: Both messages call for repentance, faith, and acknowledgment of God's kingdom. Understanding these helps believers grasp their role in sharing the gospel and preparing for Jesus’s return.

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Comments: 14
  • #1

    Saki Melkie (Thursday, 04 July 2024 19:31)

    I am blessed in the way the lesson is being prepared. Please sign me up

  • #2

    Alfred mulari (Friday, 05 July 2024 01:20)

    Send me in Kiswahili

  • #3

    Dichalung (Friday, 05 July 2024 01:53)

    I want to study indepth

  • #4

    Kusemererwa Christopher (Friday, 05 July 2024 02:16)

    Am blessed on how the lesson is being prepared

  • #5

    Lucius chimwala (Friday, 05 July 2024 03:22)

    Keep it up

  • #6

    Elvis Maroko (Friday, 05 July 2024 05:01)

    Inspiring lesson

  • #7

    Choongo mweemba Gift (Friday, 05 July 2024 07:04)

    Wow very powerful and on points

  • #8

    Elvira m lerio (Friday, 05 July 2024 07:10)

    Inspiring lesson

  • #9

    David Frimpong (Friday, 05 July 2024 08:13)

    This makes the lesson simple and easy to learn

  • #10

    Loholong Paul Alex (Friday, 05 July 2024 09:03)

    Wonderful lessons

  • #11

    Master Gorea (Friday, 05 July 2024 09:28)

    Be blessed brethren

  • #12

    David wamalia (Friday, 05 July 2024 11:27)

    I love God.

  • #13

    freeman Sunga (Friday, 05 July 2024 12:54)

    thank you so much for the lesson for today indeed we have to repent because Jesus is coming very soon

  • #14

    Kawaka (Saturday, 06 July 2024 06:03)

    Great presentation.