“My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” (Psalms 84:2).
1. Longing for the Sanctuary:
- The psalmist expresses a deep longing to dwell in the sanctuary because it is where God's living presence can be felt. Being in God's presence brings a sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment because it allows for intimate communion with the Creator.
2. Blessings of the Sanctuary:
- The blessings of the sanctuary are not limited to those who serve in it but extend to all who seek God's presence. The sanctuary strengthens the faith of pilgrims and travelers on their journey, serving as a beacon of hope and strength.
3. Radiating Blessings:
- The blessings of the sanctuary radiate outward, reaching even to the ends of the earth. The presence of God in the sanctuary impacts the lives of believers, even when physically distant from it, reminding them of His eternal presence and faithfulness.
4. Spiritual Nourishment:
- The sanctuary serves as a place of spiritual nourishment, where believers find strength, encouragement, and renewal. Through worship and fellowship with fellow believers, believers experience unparalleled happiness and satisfaction in relationship with God.
5. Symbol of Hope and Refuge:
- The sanctuary symbolizes hope and refuge for believers, providing a tangible reminder of God's sovereignty and love. It becomes a sacred space where believers can draw close to God, behold His beauty, and experience His goodness.
1. Why do you think the psalmist compares spending one day in the courts of the Lord to a thousand elsewhere? What does this comparison reveal about the value of God's presence?
Answer: The comparison highlights the incomparable worth of being in God's presence. It emphasizes that even a brief moment in communion with God surpasses any earthly pleasure or accomplishment because it brings a depth of fulfillment and joy that cannot be found elsewhere.
2. How can we cultivate a longing for God's presence in our lives, similar to that expressed by the psalmist? What practical steps can we take to draw nearer to God and experience His presence more fully?
Answer: We can cultivate a longing for God's presence by prioritizing prayer, meditation on Scripture, and regular worship. Creating a sacred space for communion with God, such as a quiet corner for prayer or a designated time for devotions, can help foster a deeper connection with Him. Additionally, participating in community worship and fellowship can provide encouragement and support in our spiritual journey.
3. In what ways do you personally experience the blessings of the sanctuary in your life, whether through corporate worship, personal devotions, or fellowship with other believers?
Answer: This question encourages individuals to reflect on their own experiences of God's presence and blessings in their lives, fostering a deeper appreciation for the sanctuary as a place of spiritual nourishment and renewal. It also allows for sharing of personal testimonies and encouragement among members of the group.
1. Significance of Jerusalem:
- Jerusalem holds great significance as the center of the nation's life, housing the sanctuary and serving as the seat of justice. Pilgrims express excitement upon arrival, seeking
justice and communion with God.
2. Prayer for Peace:
- The main prayer of God's people is for the peace of Jerusalem, invoking blessings upon the city and its inhabitants. This prayer signifies unity among worshippers and emphasizes
the importance of peace between God and His people.
3. Strength of Unity:
- Prayer for the peace of Jerusalem reflects a desire for unity among God's people, recognizing that only a strong and united community can proclaim God's peace and salvation to the
4. Hope for the Future:
- Praying for Jerusalem's peace is a privilege and responsibility of believers, keeping alive the hope for the end-time coming of God's kingdom of peace.
5. Responsibility for Harmony:
- Believers are called to strive for harmony among themselves, seeking peace and unity within the community of faith to fulfill God's purposes on earth.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is praying for the peace of Jerusalem significant for believers today? How does this prayer reflect our commitment to unity and harmony within the community of
Answer: Praying for Jerusalem's peace signifies our desire for unity among God's people and our recognition of the importance of peace between God and His children. It
reflects our commitment to fulfilling God's purposes on earth and our hope for the coming kingdom of peace.
2. How can the practice of praying for Jerusalem's peace impact our attitudes and actions towards others, both within and outside the faith community?
Answer: Praying for Jerusalem's peace can foster a spirit of unity, compassion, and reconciliation among believers, leading to greater harmony and cooperation in fulfilling God's
mission. It also reminds us of our responsibility to extend God's love and grace to all, promoting peace and justice in the world.
3. In what practical ways can believers today actively contribute to the peace and well-being of Jerusalem, both spiritually and materially?
Answer: Believers can contribute to Jerusalem's peace by praying fervently for unity, justice, and reconciliation. They can also support efforts for peacebuilding, humanitarian
aid, and advocacy for the rights of all people in the region. Additionally, sharing the message of God's love and salvation can bring hope and healing to Jerusalem and its inhabitants.
1. World in Turmoil:
- The psalm vividly depicts a world in turmoil, characterized by natural disasters and wars waged by rebellious nations. Despite the chaos, God's presence among His people offers
hope and security amidst the storms of life.
2. God's Response to Turmoil:
- God responds to violence and destruction in the world with displeasure, causing the earth to melt. Yet, His ultimate response is one of renewal and peace, extending from Zion to
the ends of the earth, bringing an end to wars and oppression.
3. Trust in God's Protection:
- Those who trust in the Lord are likened to Mount Zion, symbolizing steadfastness and strength. Amidst the success of the wicked and the temptation to follow their ways, God's
people are called to remain immovable in faith, trusting in the Lord's goodness and justice.
4. Divine Protection and Stability:
- Mount Zion serves as a metaphor for divine protection and stability. Just as the mountain stands firm, God's people are assured of His unwavering care and steadfastness, even in
the face of adversity.
5. Call to Immovable Faith:
- The psalmist calls God's people to remain immovable in faith and trust in the Lord, recognizing that God's ways are beyond human understanding. Despite the mysteries of God's
providence, His word offers sufficient evidence of His divine character and faithfulness.
Discussion Questions:
1. How do we learn to have peace and trust God amidst a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty? What practical steps can we take to strengthen our faith and reliance on God's
- Answer: We can cultivate peace and trust in God by regularly immersing ourselves in His word, praying for guidance and strength, and surrounding ourselves with a
supportive community of believers. Additionally, focusing on God's past faithfulness and His promises of protection can help anchor our faith during turbulent times.
2. In what ways do you personally experience God's presence and protection in your life, especially during challenging circumstances? How does reflecting on these experiences strengthen
your trust in God's care and provision?
- Answer: This question encourages individuals to share personal testimonies of God's faithfulness and protection in their lives, fostering a sense of gratitude and
trust in His providential care. By acknowledging God's presence and provision in past experiences, believers can find reassurance and confidence in His continued guidance and support.
3. How can we resist the temptation to compromise our faith and integrity in the face of adversity or the apparent success of the wicked? What biblical principles can guide us in
remaining steadfast and immovable in our commitment to God?
- Answer: We can resist temptation by grounding ourselves in God's word, seeking His strength through prayer, and maintaining accountability within a community of
believers. By meditating on Scripture and following biblical principles, we can uphold our faith and integrity, trusting in God's righteousness and justice to prevail in all circumstances.
1. Commitment to Zion's Hope:
- The songs of Zion symbolize a commitment to remembering Zion and the living hope it represents in God's sovereign reign. While blessings from God's sanctuary are experienced in
this life, the ultimate fulfillment of Zion's joy and restoration awaits in the future.
2. Anticipation of the New Earth:
- Singing the songs of Zion reflects a passionate anticipation of the restoration of God's kingdom on the new earth. Believers long for the heavenly Zion, where they will experience
the wonders of creative power and redeeming love in the absence of temptation and evil.
3. Agents of God's Grace:
- The psalms of Zion encourage believers to anticipate the future world with hope while obliging them to be agents of God's grace in the present world. This commitment not to forget
Zion signifies a refusal to accept this world as their permanent home, as they await the fulfillment of God's promises.
Discussion Questions:
1. How do we take the spiritual and theological principles centered on Zion and apply them to the church and its mission to the world? What practical steps can the church take to embody
the hope and commitment reflected in the songs of Zion?
- Answer: The church can embody the hope and commitment reflected in the songs of Zion by fostering a sense of community and unity among believers, prioritizing
worship and fellowship, and actively engaging in missions and outreach efforts to share the message of God's grace with the world.
2. How can believers abide in God’s sanctuary today, considering the symbolic significance of Zion? How does understanding our identity as the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians
6:19) influence our relationship with God and our mission in the world?
- Answer: Believers can abide in God's sanctuary today by cultivating a personal relationship with God through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and participation in
corporate worship and fellowship. Understanding our identity as the temple of the Holy Spirit emphasizes the importance of holiness and spiritual growth, guiding our actions and interactions with
others as representatives of Christ in the world.
3. How will Zion become the city of all nations as envisioned in various biblical passages? What role does reconciliation play in achieving this vision, and how can believers contribute
to promoting unity and reconciliation in a divided world?
- Answer: Zion becoming the city of all nations reflects God's plan for reconciliation and unity among all peoples. Believers can contribute to this vision by
advocating for justice, practicing love and forgiveness, and actively seeking to bridge divides and build relationships across cultural, ethnic, and social boundaries.
4. How do you respond to the reality of the wicked prospering in this world while many "good" people suffer? Why is it important to acknowledge that we don’t have full answers for
everything here and now?
- Answer: It's essential to acknowledge the reality of suffering and injustice in the world while maintaining faith in God's goodness and sovereignty. While we may
not have full answers for why certain things happen, we trust in God's ultimate justice and plan for redemption. It's important to remain humble in our understanding and to offer comfort and
support to those who are suffering, trusting in God's promises and seeking to bring His love and healing to those in need.
Sulad Jhun Cardeinte writes from Thailand. His email address is acardeinte@aiias.edu
Follow his FB page: Adventist ToolBoX
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articles, go to SULADS Thailand website and click blog section. Direct link below;
Mark Finley Sabbath School Lesson review
3ABN Sabbath School Lesson review
Write a comment
Time Gadzira (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 00:07)
The developer of this App is greatly appreciated.It is of great help to Adventist family.It providea variety of resources essential to strengthen our faith.
Joseph siwo (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 00:23)
Andy (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 00:26)
I really appreciate this Application. It helps in my personal study of God's Word and Morning Devotion@ my work place.
I love this Application very much.
Thankyou and God bless this Ministry.
Musiimenta Honest (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 00:54)
Thank you the ministry for sharing with us always it wakes me up and get a daily bread that teaches me more and encourage were l have gone out of the Lord's site
Regina (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 04:21)
Keep it up
Yoseph (Wednesday, 13 March 2024 08:58)
God bless you
Noni (Friday, 15 March 2024 04:18)
Merben Dayon (Friday, 15 March 2024 04:24)
this appa helps a lot for our church lesson review thank you
Alfred Neimani (Friday, 15 March 2024 04:27)
I like the updated version of this app, especially on the lesson discussion which are simplified and easy to understand. May the knowledge and spirit of God be upon the app developers and guide them through.
Tesloach Pal Khor (Friday, 15 March 2024 04:49)
God bless you
John Dhal Dhal (Friday, 15 March 2024 05:15)
May God bless you all for the update of this version.
Samson Muyalo (Friday, 15 March 2024 06:19)
I thank you for updating this app its giving us daily devotion and Sabbath School lessons, God bless you all.
Can you make this app not to switch off when i'm reading, like Spirity of Prophesy when i read it on phone will not switch of on its on unless i switch off my self, i don't know the uctual term to use.
Mathias Massawe (Friday, 15 March 2024 08:11)
Words cannot express how much I'm blessed by this app. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide its developers.
Dumo (Friday, 15 March 2024 11:11)
Our sure peace and security is the temple of God.
eunicetitus17@gmail.com (Friday, 15 March 2024 17:59)
Am blessed.Gods blessings
Dominador (Friday, 15 March 2024 18:12)
I'm bless with this app it helps me a lot to understand what's God's Wants in our Life Thank you God Bless
Rolland Jonathan (Friday, 15 March 2024 18:13)
Thank for these messages.
Mason Yoke (Friday, 15 March 2024 18:32)
I thank you for this update, I'm blessed and l like it every Sabbath. Thank you and God bless you. Sosointenu SDA Church.
Stephaine Lai (Friday, 15 March 2024 18:33)
Really love it
Ramire Ndlovu (Friday, 15 March 2024 20:15)
May the Almighty guide sustain and be the custodian of the presenter of SSQ Lessons. Now I am enthusiastic to obtain the SS Quarterly and understand it from a broader context.
Matiop Peter madit (Friday, 15 March 2024 22:46)
Thanks God for having us
Esther (Friday, 15 March 2024 23:04)
I really love this. Thank you
Winnie Dick (Saturday, 16 March 2024 00:17)
I'm bless with the words of God thank you
Betilla Magutu (Saturday, 16 March 2024 00:20)
Thanks for the update,,,,it's really well summarised and understandable.
Samuel Laro (Saturday, 16 March 2024 02:05)
This apo is timely and it awakens me to study and have insight into some questions and doctrines.Thank you and may God's name be glorified
Kadzungwa (Saturday, 16 March 2024 02:06)
Thank you for the lessons
Jonah ta,a (Thursday, 21 March 2024 20:40)
I, need Sabbath school lessen.
Abel simbuwa (Friday, 22 March 2024 10:45)
I have enjoyed