God wants you to grow, so every day is a test! And if you fail to grow in that test, He will give you more trials to grow. When you ask God to give you patience, He won’t perform magic and grant you immediate patience. Instead, He will answer by putting you in situations to practice patience. The difficulties and challenges we face in life are not random or purposeless but are orchestrated by God. They serve a refining purpose, helping to remove the negative aspects of our character such as impurities, weaknesses, and rough edges. Through these trials, we are prepared to live with the heavenly beings. Ellen White says that trials are God's way to remove the impurities, infirmities, and roughness from us. “These trials of life are God's workmen to remove the impurities, infirmities, and roughness from our characters, and fit us for the society of pure, heavenly angels in glory. But as we pass through these trials, as the fires of affliction kindle upon us, we must not keep the eye on the fire which is seen, but let the eye of faith fasten upon the things unseen, the eternal inheritance, the immortal life, the eternal weight of glory; and while we do this the fire will not consume us, but only remove the dross, and we shall come forth seven times purified, bearing the impress of the Divine.” 1T 706, 707
Trials and difficulties alone do not develop steadfastness of character. Rather, it is how we handle them that shapes our character. In other words, facing challenges does not automatically make us resemble Jesus in character. It is only when we respond to trials and difficulties in a manner like Jesus that we begin to cultivate a steadfast and unwavering character. In other words, trials and difficulties will only help you to have a character like Jesus when you respond to them like Jesus’ response to trials and difficulties. Ellen White says, “Through conflict the spiritual life is strengthened. Trials well borne will develop steadfastness of character and precious spiritual graces. The perfect fruit of faith, meekness, and love often matures best amid storm clouds and darkness.” COL 61
So, what makes us spiritually strong and helps us develop the fruits of the Spirit in us? It's when we handle trials and difficulties the way Jesus did. The term, "Trials well borne" means "Trials handled well" makes our character stronger like Jesus. As Romans 5:4 says “perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
So, how well did Jesus handle trials? The Desire of Ages gives a clear answer, “Jesus did not contend for His rights. Often His work was made unnecessarily severe because He was willing and uncomplaining. Yet He did not fail nor become discouraged. He lived above these difficulties, as if in the light of God's countenance. He did not retaliate when roughly used, but bore insult patiently.” DA 89
So, we should not pray to remove trials from us. Instead of seeking to avoid or escape from trials, we should pray for the strength and patience to endure them. “We are too quickly discouraged, and earnestly cry for the trial to be removed from us, when we should plead for patience to endure and grace to overcome.” 1T 310
Now, allow me to share some crucial insights from the Spirit of Prophecy on how to deal with trials and difficulties. Please study these quotes prayerfully;
“True spiritual growth arises only from conflict and struggle rather than from ease and comfort. Facing disappointments, disciplining oneself, and engaging in earnest prayer are essential elements in the journey toward spiritual enlightenment. Each trial or conflict we encounter provides an opportunity for deepening our connection with God. Ellen White says, “A religious experience is gained only through conflict, through disappointment, through severe discipline of self, through earnest prayer. The steps to heaven must be taken one at a time, and every advance step gives strength for the next.” CT 100
“…God orders our surroundings, and he will place us where we shall have test after test, to prove us and to reveal what is in our hearts.” RH June 6,1884
"Blessed are the meek." The difficulties we have to encounter may be very much lessened by that meekness which hides itself in Christ. If we possess the humility of our Master, we shall rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the annoyances to which we are daily exposed, and they will cease to cast a gloom over the spirit.” DA 301
“Every heart will be tested, every character developed. It is principle that God's people must act upon. The living principle must be carried out in the life.”1T 222
“The obstacles, provocations, and hardships that we meet, may prove to us, not a curse, but the greatest blessings of our lives; for the grandest characters are built amid hardships and trials. But they must be received as practical lessons in the school of Christ. Every temptation resisted, every trial bravely borne, gives us a new experience and advances us in the work of character building. We have a better knowledge of the working of Satan, and of our own power to defeat him through divine grace.” HP 46
“The children of God may rejoice in all things and at all times. When troubles and difficulties come, believing in the providence of God, you may rejoice. You need not wait for a happy flight of feeling, but by faith you may lay hold of the promises and lift up a hymn of thanksgiving to God.” HP 123
“Many times his way of dealing is so contrary to our plans and expectations that we are amazed and confounded. We do not understand our perverse natures; and often when we are gratifying self, following our own inclinations, we flatter ourselves that we are carrying out the mind of God....Some seek to control their surroundings, thinking that if they are placed in favourable positions, the bad traits in their character will not be developed. But God orders our surroundings, and he will place us where we shall have test after test, to prove us and to reveal what is in our hearts.” RH June 6,1884
“The more you talk faith, the more faith you will have. The more you dwell upon discouragement, talking to others about your trials and enlarging upon them, to enlist the sympathy which you crave, the more discouragements and trials you will have. Why mourn over that which you cannot avoid?” HP 247
Sulad Jhun Cardeinte writes from Thailand. His email address is acardeinte@aiias.edu
Follow his FB page: Adventist ToolBoX
To read the previous blog articles, go to SULADS Thailand website and click blog section. Direct link below; https://www.suladsthailand.com/blog-1/
Write a comment
Joe (Saturday, 16 March 2024 18:17)
We learn nothing in good times but we learn and see the great work of God in tough time.
Robinson George (Saturday, 16 March 2024 18:21)
I'm thankful for the passage above which has given me much encouragement. Presently as I'm struggling with trials this was a reading to behold. God knows every heart and the struggle we pass through. Thank you in Jesus name.
Shirley (Saturday, 16 March 2024 18:25)
This message is for me. A very timely message. I am faced with an unexpected problem. The thought that flashed through my mind was that it's a temptation, a trial to see how you'll handle this. I was overheated at first but calmed down. Thank you for sharing
Gilbert Acellam (Saturday, 16 March 2024 18:35)
I ask you people to pray for me,,, going through alot of temptation in my life,, thank for the message
Reuben Paskalis (Saturday, 16 March 2024 19:10)
I'm feeling courage with the above massage;Ellen White says that trials are God's way to remove the impurities, infirmities, and roughness from us.
Chimbinde. 17Mrach 2024 02: 40 (Saturday, 16 March 2024 19:45)
Thanks for the encouragement I got from the text. There are times I felt that the Lord has left me when I went through difficulties.
But I used to that the Lord help to understand the situation I found myself in.
Merybeth (Saturday, 16 March 2024 19:46)
Thank you for the message,am blessed and God bless your ministry.
Nestor Dato (Saturday, 16 March 2024 19:58)
Thanks GOD.SAYS.
(1.)JAMES 1:2-4,12.dont discorages trials
(2.)1PETER 5:6-10.
Richard (Saturday, 16 March 2024)
God has not left us in trials alone but he knows how much we can bear
Allen Akili (Saturday, 16 March 2024 21:03)
I am encouraged and uplifted by the message shared. Thanks and blessings.
Gibson (Saturday, 16 March 2024 21:17)
I am so grateful for this message that came it me at the exact time.May God give us strength to endure trials that will still continue to mount.Praise the Lord.
Ramlan (Saturday, 16 March 2024 21:19)
The Words are very strongly for my weakness.. God always bless our situation entire life..
Ananih (Saturday, 16 March 2024 22:29)
Thanks for word
Carol (Saturday, 16 March 2024 22:31)
May God give us patience and strengthen us to endure all the trials we face daily. Am encouraged
Mk moyo (Saturday, 16 March 2024 22:37)
So powerful my dear. That's all of the truth and I have learned a lot
Yoseph (Saturday, 16 March 2024 23:05)
Thank you for this wonderful message
Sydney from Zimbabwe (Saturday, 16 March 2024 23:07)
Perfect message. Exceptional encouragement
Darius wasike (Saturday, 16 March 2024 23:29)
Thanks for the above messege i am going through a lot and when i read the above phrase i got encourage
Gatwech (Saturday, 16 March 2024 23:31)
Testify our hearts to Jesus , that prove our faith
Lucia from South Africa (Saturday, 16 March 2024 23:49)
Thank you for this encouraging message it makes our walk with God more bearable and reminds us to not loose hope because of the price before us .
Alfredo Molina jr. (Saturday, 16 March 2024 23:53)
Timely incouragement... Thank God for the trials. Post more of this kind . Many needs more push.
Clifford Odhiambo (Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:03)
What am going through is too harsh for me to bear kindly pray for me
Muyalo from Zimbabwe (Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:06)
I thank you for up lifting. Massage, trials makes us grow
Through Jesus our strength
Emmanuel Namukaba (Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:11)
Sadockbusee@gmail.com (Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:15)
Really God's ways are far more than our ways. Thank you for this thrilling and mind opening message. More blessings from the Divine.
Amanda (Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:36)
This message was for me so powerful so true. Thank you. I am going through the most difficult time in life, my husband was captured, please, I beg of you please pray for Michael, I have no idea where he is at the moment, I know nothing, please pray for us.
I know our Father knows best, and I pray for peace as this is to much to bear. Thank you once again for this message, I needed it. May God bless you always.
Shella (Sunday, 17 March 2024 01:12)
Iam encouraged with this message.
Thank you
Thea (Sunday, 17 March 2024 03:40)
This message made me realize how easily I can try to gain sympathy when none is needed, as I am blessed to be the daughter of the Heavenly King.
Everlyn Galaha (Sunday, 17 March 2024 05:59)
Praise God for this timely message just when I needed it the most. AMEN�
Nove (Sunday, 17 March 2024 06:25)
This message is what I really need. I am currently struggling with trials with my relationship and I need help. I need help to strengthen my faith with God. By reading this show me the answer of why this is happening. Thank you and God bless us all.
Shane (Sunday, 17 March 2024 07:49)
I praise & thank God for this timely message. This message has really helped me seeing things/trials and hardship in a new way. I praise & thank God for all my trials. To those who are also bombarded by trails of life, may God give you the strength and wisdom to persevere under trials. May you exercise the spirit of Jesus as you take each step. May you approach all situations as how Jesus would.
Kabugho shalifa (Sunday, 17 March 2024 15:52)
Thank you for being sharing with us good massage.what makes to feel well Amen
Suli bera (Sunday, 17 March 2024 17:44)
Thank you lord for the timely massage, amen Amen indeed
Rollita Peterito (Monday, 18 March 2024 04:59)
Thanks so much brother Sulad �
For sharing this encouraging words of our heavenly Father.
I sometimes feel so fade up but I gain courage today.
God bless you and give you more wisdom to guide me �.
Florence (Tuesday, 19 March 2024 01:55)
Thank u so much for sharing this message it was really for me and it has given me strength to curry on and to grow in Christ physically and spiritually be blessed